Anna van Leeuwen leidde de redactieleden Marijn van der Jagt, Marian Cousijn, Dirk Vis, Marloeke van der Vlugt, Kaweh Modiri; Margreet Riphagen haar master studenten Latika Meelu, Janne van Hooff, Thomas Walskaar en Fabiola Fortuna. Het begeleidings- en coördinatieteam bestond verder uit Sonja van der Valk, Paulien Dresscher en Siuli Ko.

De redactie, zoals beschreven door Paulien Dresscher in haar introductie van de essaybundel:

  • Marijn van der Jagt, journalist and dramaturg, knows how to poetically establish a relationship between the spiritual and the material in which high and low culture do not undermine each other.
  • Marian Cousijn, curator and journalist, shares her observations on the distinction between the offline and online worlds in both the daily and museum environments.
  • Marloeke van der Vlugt, artist and researcher, argues in her essay that interactive media art in­vites us to look critically at the interactive objects we use every day.
  • Kaweh Modiri, writer and filmmaker, has written a story from different perspectives in time and place in which he questions the dominance of hu­mans relative to technology.
  • Dirk Vis, writer and artist, focuses on the artist’s material choice, drawing from a rich spectrum of examples that ranges from the Lascaux Caves to the photographic works of Muybridge and H. P. Lovecraft’s horror fiction.

De internationale masterstudenten, zoals beschreven door Fabiola Fortuna in Can a critic become a developper?

  • Latika Meelu, a journalist student who loves writing and cared about keeping contact with professionals, artists, authors and other figures we have been working with during the developing process of the website;
  • Janne van Hooff, a graphic design student who knows very well digital design tools but is also fascinated about print and analogue publications;
  • Thomas Walskaar is a graphic designer with experience in print publications, who published his own book (My hard-drive died along with my heart) and keep on experiment in the digital publishing field.
  • Then, here I am: in the past, I spent couple of years studying and writing about cinema critique, then I followed my unconditional passion for publishing, not only as a reader. After working in a traditional publishing house, I discovered Digital Humanities disciplines and the infinite possibilities of digital publishing, in its wider meaning.

De Leermeesters die gedurende het schrijverslaboratorium langskwamen waren:

  • Katja Kwastek, hoogleraar Kunstgeschiedenis van de Moderne Tijd aan de VU, gespecialiseerd in digitale interactieve kunst
  • Imar de Vries, onderzoeker en docent verbonden aan de Faculteit voor Media en Performance
  • Gawie Keijser, filmcriticus voor De Groene Amsterdammer en HUMAN